Quality Pile Driving and VSM Installation
North Star Equipment Services owns and operates ABI manufactured machines.
These unique machines are multi-purpose rigs. They have the capability to drill, vibrate and impact hammer piles of all sizes and types. Those three attachments can be changed within minutes making the machine very capable. The ABI’s also have the capability of delivering a down hole hammer for applications dealing with extremely tough subsoil conditions. Requiring a small crew to operate improves both cost and safety for the owner. When it comes to foundation / pile work these are the proverbial better mousetraps.
NSES also has a crane suspended APE 200-6 vibratory hammer which can drive piling and install VSM’s in those hard to reach places where you need to reach over obstructions to facilitate the installation.
Our ABI 18/22HD installing the abutment pile for the new Eagle River Bridge.
Contracted Services
NSES excels at adding value during the planning phase of a project. Helping to find ways to minimize costs, improve schedule and insure customer satisfaction are important to you, therefore important to us. In the field our operators constantly look to how can they add value to the construction effort. When not busy with a NSES task they can be found performing other tasks like operating and/or fixing other jobsite equipment. We understand it is not the price you pay for our services but the value delivered that earns your trust and future business.
More information about our Pile Driving and VSM Installation Equipment
ABI TM 14/17V »
ABI TM18/22HD »
APE 200/6 Hammer »
Comacchio MC 20 A »